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How to get typing text effect

2025 update: this blog post is something that I wrote 8 years ago. If I was able to take a time machine to 2016 and tell my past self that we still haven't made a video game, he would probably be pretty upset!

I’m working on a game right now, and in this game I want dialogue text from talking to NPCs or reading signs to appear as if it is being typed. This is a common effect which you might see in a game like Earthbound.

I am using LÖVE for my game because it’s an easy-to-use framework with tons of community-authored libraries.

Now, a pretty simple way to do this would be, on each update of our game loop, to add another character from our dialogue string to the string that’s actually getting printed, until we’ve added all of the characters.

The end result looks pretty good, but that’s not a great solution because it requires tons of string concatenation. In Lua, strings are immutable, so every time you add a new character onto our printed string, a new string is created. That means that we’re creating a new string that may need to be garbage collected later for every single letter of dialogue or sign text.

It would be a much more efficient use of memory if we could just add a new character to the pre-existing string. We can accomplish something similar to this if we store our string to print as an array of characters instead.

-- If enough time has passed, and there are more characters to add,
-- add another character to the 'string to print' character array
local printLength = table.getn(textbox.stringToPrint)
if printLength < string.len(textbox.dialogue) and e.hud.timer < 0 then
    local next = table.getn(textbox.stringToPrint) + 1
    table.insert(textbox.stringToPrint, textbox.dialogue:sub(next, next))
    -- Reset the timer
    e.hud.timer = e.hud.typeTimerMax
    e.hud.timer = e.hud.timer - dt

However, the problem with this is that the API doesn’t provide a mechanism for printing arrays of characters. We’ll have to write our own solution to print out each character in the right position instead.
for i, char in ipairs(textbox.stringToPrint) do
    local offset = i * textbox.fontWidth, textbox.x + offset, textbox.y)

Let’s try this implementation out and see what happens.

Animated GIF of game with awkwardly spaced text

Something seems off about the spacing. The font I’m using is Determination Mono. Even though it’s monospaced, it doesn’t seem like indexing to the position using a fixed character width is a good solution.